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By: Scott Grossman on October 21st, 2024

When Do You Need a Trust Litigation Lawyer?

When Do You Need a Trust Litigation Lawyer?

Losing a loved one is one of the most painful experiences anyone can go through. Not to mention, the grief and responsibility of handling their estate can feel overwhelming. The stress can intensify when disputes arise. 

With over twenty years of experience in California, The Grossman Law Firm has helped clients navigate the complex and emotionally charged process of trust litigation. We understand that seeking legal representation can feel overwhelming. That is why TGLF is here to guide you and inform you when a trust litigation lawyer might be right for you. 

Introduction: Navigating The Trust Litigation Process

The death of a loved one often brings an avalanche of emotions—grief, sadness, and loss, compounded by the responsibility of managing their affairs. Trust litigation adds another layer of complexity to this already difficult time. Whether you are a trustee, a beneficiary, or someone contesting a trust, navigating legal processes may feel overwhelming.

A trust litigation lawyer becomes not just a legal advocate but also a guide during this challenging time. They help ensure the trust is managed according to law, the decedent’s wishes, and the rights of all parties involved. This article will guide you through the most common situations where hiring a trust litigation lawyer is essential.

Suspected Undue Influence or Fraud

Trust disputes often arise when family members or other parties suspect the deceased was unduly influenced in creating or modifying a trust. Undue influence occurs when someone, such as a caregiver or another family member, pressures a vulnerable individual to change their estate plan in ways that benefit them.

For example, you might notice significant changes to the trust shortly before your loved one passed away or someone unexpectedly became a primary beneficiary. Suppose the trust changes seem out of character. In that case, a lawyer can help investigate the circumstances surrounding the creation or amendment of the trust.

Fraud also plays a role in some trust disputes. It could involve misleading or deceiving the trust creator (the settlor) into altering the terms. When undue influence or fraud is suspected, a trust litigation lawyer can gather evidence, interview witnesses, and pursue legal action to challenge the trust’s validity or amendments.

For more on undue influence, check out our article “Understanding Undue Influence” for a more comprehensive look at what it is and how to prove it.

Breach of Fiduciary Duty by a Trustee

Trustees are bound by law to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries. This is called fiduciary duty, and it includes managing the trust’s assets prudently, making transparent decisions, and ensuring the proper distribution of assets according to the trust’s terms.

However, trustees can sometimes violate this duty. Examples of breaches include:

  • Failing to distribute assets as instructed in the trust.
  • Mismanaging or misappropriating trust funds.
  • Keeping beneficiaries in the dark by withholding information about the trust.

A trust litigation lawyer can intervene if you believe a trustee is breaching their fiduciary duty. They will review the trustee’s actions and, if necessary, initiate legal proceedings to remove the trustee or recover any mismanaged assets.

If you would still like more information on what exactly qualifies as a breach of fiduciary duty, check out our article “20 Ways Your Trustee can be breaching their fiduciary duties” on our website. 

Contesting a Trust in California

Are you thinking about challenging the Validity of a Trust? If so, time is critical. TGLF urges you to act as soon as possible.

In some cases, a trust may not be valid due to legal technicalities or because the trust creator lacked the capacity to create it in the first place. A trust litigation lawyer can help you challenge a trust if you believe it was improperly executed. Common grounds for challenging a trust include:

  • The trust creator lacked mental capacity due to illness or age.
  • The trust was created under duress or undue influence.
  • The trust document fails to meet legal requirements for validity.

Successfully contesting a trust requires a thorough understanding of California probate law and substantial evidence. A trust litigation lawyer can help guide you through this complex process and represent your interests in court.

Trustee Misconduct or Fraud

When trustees abuse their authority or engage in fraudulent activities, they betray the trust placed in them by the settlor and the beneficiaries. Trustee misconduct can include:

  • Embezzling trust funds.
  • Engaging in self-dealing, such as purchasing trust assets for personal gain.
  • Failing to maintain accurate records or providing false information.

If a trustee misuses their power, a trust litigation lawyer can help you hold them accountable. This might involve filing a legal claim against the trustee, requesting their removal, or seeking restitution for any losses from their actions.

Failure to Receive a Full Accounting

As a beneficiary, you must know how the trust’s assets are managed. California law requires trustees to fully account for the trust, including information about assets, income, expenses, and distributions. Suppose a trustee refuses to provide this information or fails to meet their reporting obligations. In that case, a trust litigation lawyer can help enforce your right to an accounting.

In extreme cases, legal action may be necessary to compel the trustee to provide the required financial reports, and a lawyer can take the steps needed to ensure transparency.

Disputes Over Trust Modifications or Terminations

Beneficiaries or trustees may sometimes seek to modify or terminate a trust due to changes in circumstances, such as financial needs or shifts in family dynamics. However, modifying or terminating a trust is not always straightforward, especially if it is irrevocable.

A trust litigation lawyer can help navigate this process by ensuring any modifications or terminations comply with California law and the original intent of the trust creator.

Litigation Over Asset Valuation or Management

Disputes often arise over the valuation or management of trust assets. In some cases, beneficiaries may feel that assets are undervalued or that the trustee’s management of investments is not in their best interest. These disputes can involve:

  • Disagreements over the fair market value of assets.
  • Conflict over whether to retain or sell certain assets.
  • Allegations of mismanagement of trust investments.

A lawyer can assist in these disputes by bringing in financial experts to provide accurate valuations and ensuring that the trustee’s actions align with their fiduciary duties.

Can I Remove my Trustee?

Removing a trustee may be the only option to protect the trust and its beneficiaries in certain situations. Trustees may be removed if they:

  • Fail to fulfill their fiduciary duties.
  • Engage in misconduct, fraud, or criminal activity.
  • Demonstrate a consistent pattern of mismanagement.

A trust litigation lawyer can guide you through petitioning the court for trustee removal, ensuring that the trust is managed by someone trustworthy and competent.

Trust Litigation Lawyers as Essential Allies

The loss of a loved one is already an emotionally devastating experience. Adding trust disputes and litigation can intensify grief, confusion, and frustration. A trust litigation lawyer is a legal advocate and guide through this tumultuous process. They ensure that your rights are protected, that the trust is administered correctly, and that any disputes are resolved in a way that honors the intentions of your loved one.

Whether you are a beneficiary facing concerns about trustee misconduct or a trustee defending yourself against allegations, The Grossman Law Firm can provide peace of mind and legal clarity during a challenging time.

To ensure they follow their fiduciary duties, check out our complete Overview of California Trust Litigation on our website. If you have more questions about your rights as a Beneficiary and what you should know moving forward. 

Our law firm specializes in trust and estate law, and we are here to assist trustees in fulfilling their duties and navigating legal complexities.

Our law firm specializes in trust and probate law, and we are here to help you navigate these complex issues. Contact us today for a consultation. Let us assist you in ensuring your rights are upheld and your trust is managed prudently. Please call us at (888) 443-6590 or fill out our Get Help Now form below.