Probate | Probate Litigation | Trust Litigation |
What should I do if credit card companies are contacting me regarding my deceased loved one’s estate?
Administering a probate in California can be a confusing process for those unfamiliar with the procedures. Unfortunately, failing to understand the responsibilities of an executor, administrator, or family member of a deceased individual can be costly.
Probate | Probate Litigation | Trust Litigation |
Who Cannot Be A Personal Representative During A California Probate Administration? What is Conservatorship?
A personal representative is someone who is entrusted to carry out the administration of a California estate. This role comes with several significant responsibilities, including managing the estate assets, providing notice to creditors and heirs, and distributing the estate property.
What should I do if there are very little assets left in the California trust that I am administering?
At times during a trust administration in San Diego, the assets of the trust may dwindle to the point where there is very little left. Trust administration also involves certain costs, which means that continuing to administer the trust may not make financial sense.
Probate Litigation | Trust | Trust Litigation |
What is a Living Trust?
The answer to this question depends on several factors. In some cases, when a decedent had a living trust that owned all of his assets, it may be possible to conduct a trust administration that does not involve the probate court. In other cases, some assets may require a probate administration.
Creditors Claim: How to invoke the procedure to limit and eventually stop creditors from filing new claims
For a California trustee, the process of invoking the creditors claim procedure in trust administration works as follows: A notice to creditors on the decedent’s behalf is published to a local newspaper.