What are my options if I have reason to believe that a trustee stole from the estate?
The trustee of a trust has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the estate and beneficiaries. As a result, the trust cannot intentionally harm the estate or the beneficiaries. Clearly, if the trustee is stealing from the estate, he or she is breaching fiduciary duty.
Probate | Trust | Trust Litigation |
What do you do when the trustee will not give you a copy of the trust?
First, never take “no” for an answer. If you are a trust beneficiary then your common sense tells you that you are entitled to get a copy of the trust. You are right.
Probate | Trust | Trust Litigation |
What Happens to a Deceased Spouse or Deceased Beneficiary Share of an Estate
If a deceased beneficiary of an estate has a spouse, he or she may not be entitled to the decedent’s inheritance. It is important to understand the laws.
Probate Litigation | Trust | Trust Litigation |
Risks when Co-Trustees will not Cooperate
In situations where co-trustees of a trust are unable to get along during the trust administration process, the San Diego probate court can intervene and remove one or both of the trustees. Contact our office today for a free consultation.
Probate | Probate Litigation | Trust Litigation |
Paying for California Probate
How California probate lawyers or California probate attorneys get paid