Five Facts about Divorce and Probate Administration in California
During an estate administration in California, the divorce of a beneficiary may impact an inheritance. Learn the facts about inheritance and community property.
Six Types of Tax Returns During a California Estate Administration
Personal representatives may have many different types of tax liabilities during an administration. View here for more from a probate attorney in San Diego.
Probate | Trust Litigation | Will |
Types of Petitions for Starting a California Probate Administration
Opening up a probate administration can occur in a variety of ways. View here for an overview by a Riverside estate attorney.
How to Get Your Trustee to Distribute Your Inheritance
When a trustee won’t distribute your inheritance to you, you may decide to file a petition with the probate court to compel a distribution.
What Are The Duties of a California Trustee?
The duties of a trustee are many, and the expectations of beneficiaries are high. Order our free book on California probate and trust administration.