Probate | Probate Litigation | Trust Litigation |
Contesting a Will or Trust? Time is Not on Your Side.
If you are considering contesting a will or trust, it is essential that you take immediate action to preserve your right to object to how things are being done
Probate | Probate Litigation | Trust Litigation |
What Is a Will Contest? What You Need to Know.
Many of our firm’s clients who are beneficiaries under a will are concerned that if they need to take action to keep the executor honest, they risk being disin
Probate | Probate Litigation | Trust Litigation |
Does a New San Diego Will Revoke Old Ones?
Our firm often gets questions about San Diego law regarding revoking a will. In this video, trust and probate litigation attorney Scott Grossman lays out the f
Probate | Trust Litigation | Will |
Does My Parent’s New Will Revoke Older Ones?
Are you a son or daughter of a person with a Riverside, California, will, and you are wondering whether this current version revokes older, prior ones?
Probate | Probate Litigation | Trust Litigation |
Should I Go to the Police for a San Diego Trust Case?
San Diego trust and probate litigation attorney Scott Grossman addresses the issue of how helpful law enforcement is when you are not receiving your rightful inheritance.