Trust | Trust Litigation | Trustee Duties |
Trustee Duties: When a Trustee has a Conflict of Interest
If you haven’t gotten a copy of the trust, there might be other problems in getting your inheritance. After you finish reading this guide below,…
Trustee Duties: Five exceptions for your Trustee seeking a release of liability waiver
If you haven’t gotten a copy of the trust, there might be other problems in getting your inheritance. By the time you finish reading this…
Trustor vs Trustee
As someone who is dealing with an inheritance dispute, you might be wondering what a Trustor vs Trustee is. And what are the differences? While a…
Probate | Probate Litigation | Trust Litigation |
What is a no-contest clause and does California law uphold it?
As part of the estate planning process, you or a loved one may have chosen to include a no-contest clause in the will or living trust.
Trust | Trust Litigation | Trustee Duties |
What is a Trustee?
A Trustee is a person or organization responsible for managing someone else’s property or money through a Trust. Firstly a Trustee must hold, work, invest,…