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By: Scott Grossman on October 18th, 2016

The Spousal Property Petition: Avoid Full California Probate

Losing a spouse or domestic partner is painful enough. Figuring out the process of trust administration or going through a full probate in order to transfer property into your name is just another difficulty during this stressful time. Fortunately, California law has allowances that will make the transfer of inherited property easier on you.

Why Spousal Property Petition is a Good Option

The spousal property petition will allow you to transfer assets from your partner’s name to yours. This petition usually takes less time and cost than a full probate. Suppose you are your spouse’s or domestic partner’s sole beneficiary or your partner did not leave a will. Usually in these cases, you are transferred all community property after filing.

However, suppose there was separate property not willed to you, or any property that was willed to other beneficiaries. Then the property may need to go through full probate. It might then be in your best interests to seek legal counsel. This is to help the process go as smoothly as possible and to protect yourself in case of will contests or trust litigation.

Have you recently lost a spouse or domestic partner and need to know more about the spousal property petition? Are there complications surrounding the administration of your spouse’s or partner’s estate? California trust lawyer Scott Grossman of The Grossman Law Firm offers a full range of California estate services. These include probate and trust administration, estate planning, and will contests and trust litigation to clients in and around San Diego. Call our lawyers for a free, 30-minute case review at (888) 443-6590 today.

Also, request your copy of Scott Grossman’s FREE book The Insider’s Guide to California Probate and Trust Administration.