Why You Need Letters of Administration in California Probate
During probate, Letters of Administration are issued by the probate court. This document provides proof of authority to act on behalf of the estate.
What Remedies Are Available After California Trustee Theft?
If the trustee over your loved one’s trust has stolen from the estate, you may be entitled to damages. View here for more from San Diego trust lawyers.
Pour-Over Will Not a Cure-All
A pour-over will can be useful for catching assets not yet transferred into a trust, but what are the side effects? Read more by The Grossman Law Firm.
Probate | Trust | Trust Litigation |
A Will is not a Trust and a Trust is not a Will
A revocable living trust is not a will and a will is not a trust
Spouse’s Must Consider Carefully Before Suing a Trustee
If your spouse was omitted from a trust, you may want to pursue legal action. It is important to carefully consider all ramifications before doing so.