You Need an Attorney Regardless: Executor vs. Trustee
Serving as a San Diego executor vs. a trustee does not diminish the importance of having an experienced attorney in your corner. View here for more.
Probate | Trust | Trust Litigation |
Notice of Trust Administration: Benefits of Providing
At the start of a trust administration, trustees must give beneficiaries a Notice of Trust Administration. There are many advances to carrying out this step.
Who Decides Who Serves as Successor Trustee?
When a trust is written, the settlor, or person creating the trust, chooses someone to serve as successor trustee. Often the settlor chooses several people who are named in order.
What is the difference between a California executor, administrator, and trustee?
For those who have never been involved in handling the affairs of a friend or loved one, the concept of what is involved in this process can be overwhelming. Often, individuals are not certain what it means to be appointed an executor, administrator, or trustee.
Trustee Theft: What evidence do I need to support my claim?
Under California trust law, trustees have a fiduciary duty to act in good faith with respect to the management of trust assets. When a trustee misappropriates funds from the trust for his or her own benefit or the benefit of another, he or she is committing theft.