Trust | Trust Litigation | Trustee Duties |
Can a Trustee Go to Jail for Stealing From the Trust?
Trustee Theft Consequences In the realm of trust and probate law, one of the most concerning actions is when a trustee breaches their fiduciary duty…
Trust | Trust Litigation | Trustee Duties |
What Does a Trustee Do?
Trustee legal obligations Being a trustee comes with legal obligations that every trustee must understand and fulfill. These obligations form the foundation of a trustee’s…
Who Can Be the Trustee of an Irrevocable Trust?
Trustee selection Choosing a trustee is one of the most important decisions you need to make when setting up an irrevocable trust. The trustee plays…
Trust | Trust Litigation | Trustee Duties |
What is a Contingent Beneficiary?
Contingent Beneficiary vs. Primary Beneficiary In estate planning, it is essential to understand the different roles of a contingent, also referred to as a secondary…
Trust | Trust Litigation | Trustee Duties |
What is the difference between common ownership and equitable ownership of trust property? (legal vs. equitable title)
Common Ownership Definition What is the difference between common ownership and equitable ownership of trust property (legal vs. equitable title)? Joint ownership is when multiple…