Appointed Personal Representative of a Probate Administration
Probating an estate is a lengthy process with a great deal of responsibility. An executor should know these valuable tips before beginning the process.
Understanding the Potential Pitfalls of the Probate Process
Administering an estate may require oversight by the probate court. It is important to understand the potential drawbacks of the probate process.
Probate | Trust | Trust Litigation |
When both probate and trust administration are necessary in California
It can be necessary to have both a probate and trust administration for the same estate in California. Contact us if you are unsure about what to do.
Overview of the California Probate Process
Starting a probate process can lead to a state of confusion and hurry. That is why it is important to seek help from a professional attorney.
Responsibilities of a Personal Representative After Probate
Are you wondering what your responsibilities are as a personal representative once the probate process is over? Learn more here.