My Husband (or Wife) Recently Died. When is Probate Necessary?
Whether or not you have to do a probate of your late spouse’s estate will depend on how title to your spouse’s property was held.
What happens when Co Executors Disagree?
Some estates have two individuals serving as co-executors. When co-executors disagree, there are certain potential outcomes for what may happen.
When Appraisals Are Used During Estate Administration
During an estate administration, you may need appraisals for some or all of the estate property. It is important to know when an appraisal is necessary.
Creditors Claim against an Estate
A Notice of Claim to a creditor, can make them file for a Creditor’s Claim. Learn about the information a creditor’s claim against an estate must contain.
Tips on Selling a Home in Probate
The fears of holding on to residential real estate in CA is well justified. Keep on reading to learn more about how to go about selling a home in probate.