7 Facts About Bonds In California Probate Administration
If you are attempting to administer an estate that requires a bond, contact an experienced California probate administration attorney for guidance.
Does a Surviving Spouse Have to do Probate?
Does a Surviving Spouse Have to do Probate? This comes up when I get calls from people who say either their mother or their father died and now it’s their spouse (the father or the mother) who has survived.
Blended Families and California Estate Administration: Important Tips
Blended families can make estate administration even more confusing than it already is. View here for more about the process.
Understanding Testamentary Trusts When Administering Estates
Testamentary trusts are not created until your loved one dies. It is important to understand how these trusts differ from other trusts if you are a trustee.
Your Guide to California Probate
Attorney Scott Grossman gives a short overview of what a California Probate is and what should be done in a situation like this.