Trust | Trust Litigation | Trustee Duties |
Can a Trustee Withhold Money From a Beneficiary?
When it comes to managing a trust, trustees have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries. This duty includes many…
Trust | Trust Litigation | Trustee Duties |
Can a Trustee Go to Jail for Stealing From the Trust?
Trustee Theft Consequences In the realm of trust and probate law, one of the most concerning actions is when a trustee breaches their fiduciary duty…
Trust | Trust Litigation | Trustee Duties |
What Does a Trustee Do?
Trustee legal obligations Being a trustee comes with legal obligations that every trustee must understand and fulfill. These obligations form the foundation of a trustee’s…
Who Can Be the Trustee of an Irrevocable Trust?
Trustee selection Choosing a trustee is one of the most important decisions you need to make when setting up an irrevocable trust. The trustee plays…
Trust | Trust Litigation | Trustee Duties |
How Long Does the Executor Have to Pay the Beneficiaries?
If you haven’t gotten a copy of the trust, there might be other problems in getting your inheritance. After you finish reading this guide below,…