Ask for Blocked Accounts when beginning Trust Litigation
If you suspect abuse of trust funds, it is vital that you take action right away. View here for more from a San Diego probate court attorney.
How do I get a copy of my deceased parents’ trust?
If both parents are deceased, a beneficiary is still able to receive a copy of their trust. Find out how to get a copy of a trust in this situation here.
Potential Hazards for Estates With Business Interests
Administering an estate is not always an easy process. This is especially true when the estate holds an interest a business, as several issues can arise.
Five Facts about Self-Dealing and Trustee Breach of Fiduciary Duty In CA
When a trustee engages in activities that benefit the trustee without regard for the beneficiaries, the trustee has committed a breach of fiduciary duty in California.
Trustee Distributing To Wrong Beneficiary?
One such a mistake occurs when successor trustees make a distribution of trust assets to the wrong beneficiary. Read more here.