Pour-Over Will Not a Cure-All
A pour-over will can be useful for catching assets not yet transferred into a trust, but what are the side effects? Read more by The Grossman Law Firm.
Transferring Securities Requires Many Documents
San Diego probate administration attorney Scott Grossman clarifies which documents are required to transfer securities. Call us for a free consultation.
When Do You Need a Bond in California Probate?
The attorneys of Grossman Law Firm, APC give more details on California probate bonds: what are they for, can they be waived, and who qualifies for a bond?
What Does a California Probate Lawyer Do for You?
San Diego probate and trust administration attorney Scott Grossman gives a detailed account of the numerous tasks he performs in a California probate process.
Preserving a probate inheritance for a disabled child
After a disabled adult inherits an estate from their parent, they may become ineligible for public benefits they previous depended upon. See how to avoid this.