What Do I Do If My Trustee Won’t Give Me A Copy Of The Trust?
What Do I Do If My California Trustee Won’t Give Me A Copy of the Trust? The Grossman Law Firm can help you find out your next move!
What Remedies Are Available After California Trustee Theft?
If the trustee over your loved one’s trust has stolen from the estate, you may be entitled to damages. View here for more from San Diego trust lawyers.
Court Involvement and Breach of Trust
Wondering how the court can help you if you suspect a California breach of trust? View this page for more from a San Diego probate attorney.
Probate | Probate Litigation | Trust |
Evidence of Mental Incompetence
The Grossman Law Firm suggests what evidence to collect before you discuss your mentally incompetent will contest case with a San Diego probate lawyer.
When Is Ancillary Probate Needed in California?
Ancillary probate is needed in California when a resident of another state dies owning CA property. Ancillary probate lets a judge make orders on that property.