Why You May Face Foreclosure During Probate Administration
There are many reasons that a property may face foreclosure during probate. Here are six factors that contribute to the possibility of a default on a mortgage during probate in California.
7 Facts About Bonds In California Probate Administration
If you are attempting to administer an estate that requires a bond, contact an experienced California probate administration attorney for guidance.
Does a Surviving Spouse Have to do Probate?
Does a Surviving Spouse Have to do Probate? This comes up when I get calls from people who say either their mother or their father died and now it’s their spouse (the father or the mother) who has survived.
Southern California Probate and the Prudent Investor Rule
What is the Prudent Investor Rule, and how might it make a California trustee especially vulnerable to liability? Read more by The Grossman Law Firm.
Calculating an Estate’s Value for Simplified Probate
To speed up a probate administration, consider a simplified proceeding for small estates. Some assets are excluded when calculating the estate’s size.