Trustee’s Duty – What is the Prudent Investor Rule?
Under California trust law, trustees have an obligation to fulfill certain duties. In 1995, California adopted its own version of the Uniform Prudent Investor Act, imposing a prudent investor rule. Learn more here.
Statute of Limitations and San Diego Trust Litigation
Wondering whether you still have time to pursue a trust litigation matter in San Diego? Here are four helpful facts about trustees and breach of fiduciary duty.
How Long Does a California Probate Take?
Wondering how long a probate administration may take in California? View here for more from a San Diego probate court lawyer.
What If a Beneficiary Passes During a California Probate?
If a beneficiary passes away before receiving an inheritance, there are many possibilities for what should happen next. Ask these five questions for guidance.
7 Tips to Document Estate Expenses in Accounting
Errors documenting estate expenses in an executor’s accounting are fairly common. Following certain rules will help avoid these mistakes.