Why Am I Being Denied My Rightful Inheritance?

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There are a number of reasons a beneficiary may not be getting the inheritance
they deserve. Some trustees, executors, and administrators have no idea what
they’re doing. Literally. Some trustees, executor, or administrators only appear unwilling or unable to do their job. Some are unable. All are keeping you from the information you are entitled to get. Some are doing it so you won’t realize they are benefiting themselves at your expense.

Red flags include:

  • Unwilling or refusing to provide you with a copy of the trust or will
  • An unwillingness to provide financial information
  • The threat of disinheritance if you keep asking questions about your inheritance.

Our brochure gives you a clear picture of what to look out for and how we can help you deal with this very serious and stressful situation.

Here is what you will read about in our brochure:

  1. Failure To Provide Copies of Documents
  2. Failure To Account
  3. The Document Is Fine But You Haven’t Gotten Your Inheritance
  4. The No Contest Clause Doesn’t Matter
  5. Removing The Trustee
  6. Petition To Instruct The Trustee
  7. Omitted Spouses and Children

What should I do next?

Your first step should be to carefully read our free brochure. The brochure will provide an overview of what the warning signs are that a trustee may be taking advantage of the situation. It is very important that you consult with an experienced and reliable California trust litigation attorney. Contacting an attorney that is experienced in dealing with such matters gives you the opportunity to find out if you need to protect yourself and your family from a trustee that may be making mistakes or intentionally taking things.

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