8 Helpful Tips About Notice of Trust Administration in California
An Overview of the Trustee Requirement to Give Notice of Trust Administration
At the start of a trust administration, the trustee must provide certain parties with notice of the proceedings. Why do trustees have to give certain parties a Notice of a Trust Administration? Aside from being a requirement under the law, the notice also provides valuable information to the parties most likely impacted by the trust. Complying with this requirement also reduces the likelihood that beneficiaries or other parties will have grounds to challenge certain actions of the trustee.
The following is a helpful overview of the requirements:
- Notice of Trust Administration must be given within 60 days of the date of death of the decedent.
- All beneficiaries of the decedent require a notice of trust administration.
- The Notice must indicate that the trust is now irrevocable.
- The Notice must indicate that the parties can request a copy of the trust.
- Recipients have 120 days from the date of mailing of the letter in which to contest the trust.
- If the trustee fails to mail the Notice as required by California law, potential damages and costs may apply.
- Rather than having only 120 days to contest the trust, a beneficiary may have up to four years if the Notice is not sent.
- The Trustee’s Notice must comply with all of the requirements outlined in the California Probate Code.
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