13 Ways to Find the Assets of an Estate During a CA Administration
Here are 13 ways to help you find the assets of an estate during probate administration in California. If you need assistance contact us today!
Five Facts about Ancillary Probate in California
When a loved one passes away owning property in California and multiple states, you may need to conduct one or more ancillary probate proceedings.
Understanding Spousal Share in California
After losing a spouse, you may be left wondering what assets you will inherit. If your spouse had no will, you receive a spousal share under California law.
Probate | Probate Litigation |
Riverside Probate Attorney on Evidence You’ll Need to Prove Duress
What counts as evidence in proving that duress played a role in the terms of a trust? Read more by San Diego probate attorneys at The Grossman Law Firm.
What Property Must Go Through Probate in San Diego?
What is probate and what types of property should go through it? San Diego probate attorney Scott Grossman explains.