7 Errors To Avoid When Winding Down A Riverside Probate Administration
As you administer the estate of your loved one, it is important to remember that costly errors can be made at any stage of the process. We compiled a list of examples of some of the most common errors you should avoid during probate administration.
Are You a Trustee or an Executor?
When it comes time to administer a loved one’s estate, few people are experienced in this area. As such, the terms “executor” and “trustee” are often confused.
5 Ways Proving Mental Incompetence is Difficult (Donald Sterling Case)
While Donald Sterling’s recent behavior may clearly have been inappropriate, proving mental incompetence is a much more difficult proposition.
Twelve Issues to Be Wary of During a California Trust Administration
Unfortunately, disputes surrounding a California trust administration will lengthen the time and expense needed to wrap up the estate.
San Diego Probate Lawyer: Small Estates and Summary Proceedings
For small estates there may be simpler ways to administer the affairs of your loved one without having to open up a full probate proceeding involving the San Diego probate court. Small Estates and Summary Proceedings may be an option to full probate.