What do I need to submit to the DMV in order to transfer a vehicle without the oversight of the California probate court?
In certain situations, the person administering an estate in California may be able to avoid formal oversight of the probate court. These situations only apply under certain circumstances. It is therefore vital that you consult with an experienced San Diego probate court lawyer for guidance in administering an estate.
What should I do if there are very little assets left in the California trust that I am administering?
At times during a trust administration in San Diego, the assets of the trust may dwindle to the point where there is very little left. Trust administration also involves certain costs, which means that continuing to administer the trust may not make financial sense.
Probate Litigation | Trust | Trust Litigation |
What is a Living Trust?
The answer to this question depends on several factors. In some cases, when a decedent had a living trust that owned all of his assets, it may be possible to conduct a trust administration that does not involve the probate court. In other cases, some assets may require a probate administration.
Community Property or Separate Property
There are a number of steps you can take in order to sort out how the decedent’s property was owned. Read more here.
Our deceased mother owned a country house. How can we find out how much the title is worth?
When it comes to California real estate, the first thing to do is to carefully review all deeds and find out how title is held. If you have doubts, you may contact a title company and ask for a title search.