8 Helpful Tips About Notice of Trust Administration in California
Trust administration requires certain parties be given notice. This notice of trust administration is a requirement under California law and failure to provide notice can damage both trust and trustee.
4 Types of Inventories Filed During a Probate Administration
During a probate administration the personal representative must file an inventory. An inventory can be partial, supplemental, final, or corrected.
5 Types of Insurance You Might Encounter During an Estate Administration
During the administration of an estate, the trustee or personal representative must protect the assets. Several insurance policies may be required.
5 Possibilities for How Mental Incompetence is Determined
If a settlor is mentally incompetent, someone must take control over the trust prior to the settlor’s death. There are several ways to determine incompetence.
Five Tips About a Probate Examiner’s Review of a Petition to Probate a Will
At the start of the probate process, you must submit a petition that for review by a probate examiner. The examiner will provide notes regarding the petition.