Five Helpful Tips Regarding Notice to Heirs During California Probate
Are you attempting to probate the estate of a loved one and confused about the notice requirement? View here for five tips from a San Diego probate lawyer.
Understanding Discretionary Distributions for California Trustees
Trustees may be told to make distributions in their sole discretion. View this page for an overview of what this means from a California probate attorney.
Types of Wills: Admitting a Will to Probate in California
When it comes to a California probate, their are only 4 types of wills a person can have regarding their deceased loved one.
Probate | Trust Litigation | Will |
Do You Need Both a Trust and Probate Administration in California?
In some cases, you may need to conduct both a probate administration and a trust administration. View here for more from a San Diego probate court attorney.
Probate | Trust Litigation | Will |
Five Differences Between an Executor vs. a Trustee in California
Five Differences Between an Executor vs. a Trustee in California. These two titles mean very different things and knowing the difference can help a lot!