California Ancillary Probate: Duties of the Personal Representative
What are the duties of the personal representative during a California Ancillary Probate proceeding?
California Ancillary Probate proceedings are initiated when an individual passes away owning property in a different state. These proceedings are conducted under the probate laws in which the property existed. Since the ancillary probate proceeding is in addition to the primary probate administration in most cases, the result is increased costs for the estate. A personal representative must be appointed as well.
The duties of the personal representative of the ancillary probate proceeding in California are mostly the same as those of a personal representative during a primary proceeding.
The following is a list of duties for a Personal Representative of the Ancillary Probate proceeding:
- First of all, to invest estate assets responsibly
- Also, to keep assets of the estate separate
- To coordinate the administration of the ancillary probate proceeding with the primary proceeding
- Furthermore, to locate the estate property within the ancillary state
- Additionally, to order an appraisal for the property within the ancillary state
- Similarly, to file an inventory for the assets in the ancillary proceeding
- Also to pay all of the probate court costs for the ancillary proceeding, which are in addition to the costs associated with the primary state
- Lastly, to pay any state or local taxes owed relating to the ancillary property and proceedings
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